Pearls of Rashi – Pesach

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According to the calendar, this coming Shabbos we should read the Torah portion Shemini (Nissan 17April 11). Nevertheless, since we will then be celebrating Chol Hamoed Pesach, the regular Torah reading is suspended. In its place we read from the Torah about Pesach. We will resume the regular order of reading the Torah the following week, Nissan 24 – April 18. We will then read Parshas Shemini.

Regarding Pesach, the Torah tells us that we must tell our children of the miracles which Hashem performed for us while freeing us from Egypt. It says that “… when your son asks you tomorrow (using the Hebrew word מָחָר – Mochor’), saying ‘What is this?’ you will say to him, ‘With a mighty hand did the Lord take us out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.’” Rashi explains that “sometimes the Hebrew word מָחָר – Mochor’ means now.’ Sometimes the word מָחָר – Mochor’ means ‘at a later time,’ such as it does here …” Rashi then goes on to give another example of the word “Mochor” meaning at a later point in time.

It is clear that in our verse, the Torah is not talking about the day after today; it is referring to a point of time in the future. Why does Rashi need to offer both translations of this word? What can we learn from this?

Each child is “Mochor,” i.e. from the next generation. However, certain children are Mochor” in the sense of now. Physically they are a part of the next generation. However, are living the same sort of life as their parents. They are a direct continuation of their parent’s generation. It is obvious that we must answer his questions.

Other children are “Mochor” in the sense of being at a later time. He is part of a new generation, a new era. His questions stem from the fact that a life of Torah and Mitzvos seem strange to him. Such a life does not seem to fit into the current era.

Rashi is teaching us, that we must answer this child’s questions as well! He is your child, who we must bring under the wings of the Shechinah.

In this merit, we will certainly merit to establish Hashem’s army. May we witness the fulfillment of the prophecy that “just as in the days of your exodus from Egypt I will show him wonders,” speedily in our days!

I wish one and all a good Shabbos and a Kosher and happy Pesach!

Rabbi Shmuel Mendelsohn

Adapted from Likkutei Sichos Volume 31, Page 88

לזכות חיילי “צבאות השם” חיים ועדן עודד שיחיו מאריס  

נדפס ע”י הוריהם הרה”ת ר’ מנחם מענדל וזוגתו מרת חי’ מושקא שיחיו מאריס 


מוקדש לזכות כ”ק אדמו”ר נשיא דורנו מליובאוויטש

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